Business Valuation
Business Valuation
Business Valuation
Many of our partners are qualified as expert witnesses for cases involving court testimony. We are committed to providing you with integrity, honesty, and competence needed to complete a high-quality valuation report. Before we commence any valuation assignment we provide each client with an engagement letter to determine the scope of work, purpose, intended use(s), date of valuation, research, and data to be utilized, the fee, or hourly fees to be signed by the valuation specialist and the client.
We conduct valuations for purchase price allocation, acquisition, sale or partial sale of an entity or business, annualized amortization estimates, intangible asset amortization estimates, subscriber lists, customer contracts, patents, research and development in process, trademarks, branding, non compete agreements, licensing agreements, buy/sell agreements, stock options, restricted share stock, franchise agreements, and employment contracts.